Espresso with Hand Grinder

Many have asked if any hand grinder can produce good espresso. Many times we say it will be too difficult, too much effort and grind not consistent enough.

Well, not anymore.

prolex2 The Prolex Ceramic Hand Grinder

Prolex Espresso Well, it does require some effort.

Prolex Espresso2 C’mon.. turn, turn, turn…

3 minutes later…

Prolex Espresso3 Almost zero- retention.

Prolex Espresso4 Mouse-tail enough?

Prolex Espresso5 Yeah…

Prolex Espresso6 That is a pretty decent shot of espresso.

But then you say… Need to turn and turn and turn for 3 minutes ++…. I’m lazy man.

Well, spend another RM150-200 and cut down the 3 minutes to 30 seconds.

Prolex Espresso7
This is not the first time someone attempted the idea of using an electric drill.
But pair it with the Prolex and it just look SO COOL.
Don’t believe me?

Prolex Espresso8
You just need the right setup. Or…

Prolex Espresso9 James Bond would have been jealous 😀

7 thoughts on “Espresso with Hand Grinder

  1. Kong

    Omg…I used my Hario mini hand grinder and have to spend 3 min for each cup, I never thought it can attach a hand drill @@

  2. Rayner Tan

    I feel like it’s neccesary to really evaluatr how big the shot difference in between steps is…

    Maybe a little on that?

    Nice shot… how fast did it blond? i usually get it blonding at 22 seconds and the shot accumulates to 30 ml in 30 seconds which means 1ml per second (perfect flow rate)… i do use a bottomless filter and its fantastic…. don’t mind me… but Stockfleths and Nutating… and im ready… no weiss distribution needed… the doser on my grinder unclumps my grinds!!! 😉

    I’m 13 years old… and once im old enough to grab ceritification and get into WBC i will…..

  3. Brian Teng

    Hello kfchan, same commenter here…

    I am currently a malaysian coffee lover that has gone nuts….

    I mainly brew V60, Kalita Wave, Chemex, and other methods like press pot and moka pot…

    For espresso i use a La Pavoni Europiccola…. modded heavily…. custom 0.5mm single hole tip. Bottomless pf… 17g Elektra MCAL baskets and also a boiler pressure gauge…

    For grinder i use a La Pavoni Kube… it’s a hardened steel 38mm conical burr, which is not really a titan grinder spec but fits my bill…. retention and clump wise…. it works well…

    Anyways…. have you used levers, Kfchan?

    And also, the CO2 level in the bean is influenced by freshness and also… CO2 can influence the crema with big impact…. my single origins peak at 7th day from roast… so i would like to ask… is there any online sites (preferably malaysian) that sells whole beans that are freshly roasted at good prices and are not stale… most beans are quite stale when i buy them online…. worse enough…. they don’t have roast dates…. i sometimes see bags without one-way valves…. really terrible… Thanks a lot Kfchan… 🙂

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